There are countless memories that run through my head. Many of the most precious are those of my childhood. Summer nights were filled with playing kick ball, swimming in our neighbors pool, jumping on our trampoline and spending good old fashion quality time together. These nights are a part of my own history. They are a part of who I am. My heart is to bless my own children with a lively memory of beautiful evenings spent together. Why do we value photographs and home videos? “Because it all happens so fast”. Those beautiful summer nights we spent together are just a memory. I may be able to tell my children these stories, but there is no doubt in my mind I am forgetting the way we used to play certain games. Even more so, as a child I never thought to cherish the way my parents watched me, played with me, and helped me. I don’t even have a visual memory of that because I was too busy playing to stop and notice their love for me. I’ve been thinking about this topic even deeper lately as I read through the Old Testament. Think of how the Israelites wanted their future generations to remember important things God did for them. They did this in various ways. One of those being to make a pile of rocks in the specific location of the deliverance. Now I love rocks, and have quite a few in my own collection. I also want to remember our every day nuances, the way we show our love, and the countless blessing God has poured into our lives and then pass all that on to future generations. We have the ability to literally show our future generations all these things. I want my great grand babies to get to see how amazing their great grand daddy was and how much he loved and honored God with his life and how much he loved all of us. Who knows what this world will be like in 200 years? I for sure do not. But if I do the work now to create this legacy, I will at least know that the future Michelson family will have a way to see what our family was built on. Talk about an ongoing testimony! With this passion and my love for art fueling me, I have been documenting my family. I have been our historian. Maybe you have seen my work. The films are sweet and nostalgic. The photographs capture my children as they are. I don’t want to remember a photo shoot, I want to remember us. Then the question arose: How can I help other mommas achieve the same visual history? Is this even a thing? Would others value this as I do? Where would I begin? How would I price and manage it all to give mommas the best value so that they are able to have their family’s daily story documented more than once a year? How do we make it an everyday and genuine event while also working to bring out the love we have for each other? Brainstorming is over. I have an idea: family stories. They don’t have to be anything special, just deliberate fun and time spent together. Ideas for family stories are filling my mind right now. The best part, my family will enjoy them as well because I will need to show examples. Which will also help me as a #mompreneur prioritize family time, documenting my family, and actually editing my family’s photographs and short films. This first film you are about to see is our “Summer Nights” collection example film. This is one that will look completely different with each family. But the basic storyline will be the same. It would be your family at your home in the evening spending time outside together doing what you all love to do. Enjoy.
Is this something you would be interested in having for your own family?
Think of your family’s favorite activities, hobbies, etc. Think of some of you best memories over the past few years while you enjoyed those hobbies together. Now try to remember the looks on your kid’s face, the giggles, the weather, the way you grabbed your spouses hand. Is it getting difficult? I know it does of me. The videos really help me remember. They also help me tell the story to others.
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July 20 6pm-8pm
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What do you do?
A: I come to your home and take photos and videos of your children playing. I focus on what their hands are doing, what the environment is, how they interact with other members of the family, and so on.
What if I don’t have a magazine worthy house?
A: I know what it feels like. I prefer my home to be spotless all the time. But it isn’t always perfect. I know that, my kids know that. So don’t worry about your home. Straighten it up a little if it makes you feel better. Just remember the most important thing is to relax and document where your life is right now. Although your toddler’s mess may be all around, that is not the focus, your toddler is the focus.
Should I just do photographs? Why do I need a film as well?
A: I cherish photographs from my childhood. I love seeing what I looked like, how my mom dressed me, etc. But you know what I would cherish more? You guessed it, a film. A film that showed who I was, not just what I looked like. A film that showed my mothers love, rather than just her outfit of the day. Photographs tell part of a timeless story that can be printed and easily viewed, video completes the story.