Photo Tips for Moms | How To Document Your Child’s First Day of School

Posted: August 15, 2017 by fivefivephotos

Photo Tips for Moms

How To Document Your Child’s First Day of School

Hey Mommas

I know how it is. You can’t believe summer is already over. You are getting up even earlier than normal and adding new tasks to your already hectic daily routine. Now its about time for your kid to get on the bus for the first time this school year and you just barely remember to document the moment with a quick photo. I’m here to help you! As my dad always says:

Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

How to document your child’s first day of school with photo and video in 4 easy steps:

  1. Pay attention to the light! Is your child well lit? Are there unflattering shadows on your child’s face? Is there a shadow from an object or from you that is being cast within the photo that is distracting the viewer (you) from the subject (your child)?
  2. Pay attention to the background. Get down to your child’s level making the background something other than the ground behind them. Pay attention to hard lines in the background that look as if they are going through or coming out of your child’s head. It may not seem distracting right away, but it is. Take the time to move yourself or your child so that there are no lines interfering with your child’s head.
  3. Be sure to get a landscape and portrait of your child far enough away to see head to toe. Then get a portrait and landscape close up. I like to have my children sit down for the close ups. It helps them sit still so I get a clearer photo and them looking up at my lights up their eyes better. 
  4. Take a quick video asking your kids a few questions like: What grade are you entering into? What is something you want to learn about this year? What is something you loved learning about last year? What was your favorite thing to eat at lunch? What was your favorite field trip? What do you want to be when you grow up? Etc. Be creative. Ask questions you will want to look back on when they are graduating high school. 

Enjoy this video on How to Document your child’s first day of school with photo and video by Holly:



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