As a wife, mother, photographer, babysitter, “farmer”, gardener, artist…Let me rephrase this: As someone who wears 17 hats, I find that I never get to editing my personal photos, or the fun “I’ll take photos for my good friends christmas tea party” photos, or the “I will do this complimentary session to improve a particular style I am working on” session. These sessions hang over my head because I can never justify editing them until all paid sessions are edited, advertising is done, business stuff is all sorted out, house cleaning completed, and everything else is done. Then I would need everything to stay this way for three days so I could catch up. Which as you can imagine NEVER happens!
But, TODAY is the day! I am satisfied with the fact that all paid sessions are edited and delivered, and business stuff is caught up. So I will be editing those personal, and fun, and educational session. Then I will be posting all those photos (get prepared for an overload of images on I am excited, and I am going to get started. I will of course be sharing my progress. Pray I edit remarkably fast and well! Thank you for listening to my excited rant. 🙂
Here is a teaser image: